Friday, October 1, 2010

Windows 8 Plans Leaked

With Windows 7 gaining market share and customer support, is now time to talk about Windows 8! It has recently leaked that Window 8 is planned for release mid 2012 and may be available to preview and test late this year. So what type of features is Microsoft planning to put in their new operating system (OS)? The biggest changes involve the inclusion of an apps store, improved energy efficiency, fast startup and easy reset button.

Windows' App Store

Windows 8 will be developed to have an app store similar to that of the iPhone. Users will be able to easily download and install applications. Applications will also be able to share information across each user's devices instead of only on one PC.

Improved Energy Efficiency

Microsoft is making its new OS use less energy to enhance the user experience on mobile devices and laptops. To do this they are coming out with numerous versions of Windows 8, one for each type of device it will be used on.

Faster Startup

Windows 8 will be faster to startup and in some cases will resume from sleeping instantly. Logging off and logging on will be sped up for faster switching between various users.

Easy Reset Button

This is a unique feature that allows a user to reset Windows 8 back to the default settings while maintaining all their applications and files. This will empower users to have more control over their PCs.

Other additions include facial recognition for easy login and expanded help and support. For details about the product and to see Microsoft's road map please visit

All of these features are planned and the actual features and dates have not been officially released.

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